Tuesday, August 14, 2007
DNS complexity
lebih detail:
Monday, July 02, 2007
anycast influence
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tobias Oetiker dan Dave Rand memperoleh 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award dari SAGE
Tobias Oetiker dan Dave Rand dianugerahi 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award
pada konferensi tahunan LISA 2006.
memang ini berita basi hampir satu tahun lalu :-)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ketimun sbg hadiah pernikahan
Wedding guests feast on heart-shaped cucumbers
FUKUSHIMA -- An agricultural cooperative has given heart-shaped cucumbers to a newly married couple as a gift to share with guests at their wedding ceremony.
Company employee Kazuo Okuyama, 25, his 23-year-old wife Takako and guests at their wedding ceremony received the cucumbers in Date, Fukushima Prefecture on Saturday.
JA Chiba Midori in Chiba Prefecture developed the cucumbers and sells them between November and May, while JA Date Mirai grows and sells the cucumbers from June to October.
"We grow them with love," an agricultural cooperative official said.
The specially-shaped cucumbers are also on sale at the Tokyu supermarket outlet in the Tokyo Midtown commercial complex in the capital's Minato-ku. (Mainichi)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
HTTP traffic kembali mempimpin
sayangnya laporan studi ini tidak menyebutkan dimana pengambilan data dilakukan (TIER-1 ISP? TIER-2 ISP? USA? Asia? Europe?) dan juga laporan studi ini tidak menjelasakan metodologi yng dipakai apa.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
hampir semua orang di Jepang kecanduan dng mixi.
Account mixi hanya bisa didapatkan berdasarkan undangan (invitation) dari seseorang yng sudah menjadi anggota mixi/sudah memiliki account mixi.
kalau anda berminat, saya dpt mengirimkan invitation !
oh ya tentu saja bahasa yng digunakan adalah bahasa Jepang, jadi anda harus lancar membaca hiragana, katakana, dan kanji agar dapat mendayagunakan mixi dng optimal :-)
Mixi juga menyediakan layanan pencarian pekerjaan (job finding).
company profile mixi dapat dilihat di http://www.mixi.co.jp
sudah masuk pula ke ports tree FreeBSD:
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
ISP DTI batasi akses P2P
dari situs web diatas, sepertinya ISP DTI sudah mulai repot dng high utilization akibat penggunaan aplikasi P2P oleh users :-)
DTI membatasi transmisi tiap users/pelanggan sebesar 15 GB / hari (tdk termasuk FTP). saya tidak tahu darimana DTI memperoleh angka 15 GB tsb, ada kemungkinan DTI mendapatkan angka tsb dari data empirik (netflow/sFlow)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
kampus libur !
Monday, May 21, 2007
reverse proxy/http accelerator
yng duitnya cekak biasanya pake squid, yng kebanyakan punya duit ya pakai akamai dong biar keren ! yng duitnya cekak tapi pengen "high performance" pake varnish !!!
beberapa presentasi mengenai varnish bisa didownload di:
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
saya kutipkan dari IEEE wireless communications Feb 2007, vol.14, no.1.
1.the emerging IEEE 802.20 standard, as known as mobile broadband wireless access. they provide an introduction to the activities with regard to this standard, including purpose and scope that the specification defines.
2.the purpose and scope of the IEEE 802.20 standard are very ambitious. the IEEE 802.20 will fill the gap between cellular networks (low bandwidth and high mobility) and other 802 wireless networks (high bandwidth and low mobility) currently use such as IEEE 802.11 WLANs and IEEE 802.16 WMANs.
3.the IEEE 802.20 standard is being designed with a modular approach in mind. this modularity means that there should be a clear separation of functionality in the system between the user, data, and control.
4.IEEE 802.20 is fundamentally data-centric and addresses these issues by targeting significantly higher spectral efficiency, lower latencies, and improved user experience. this technical differentiation provides for wide market potential not adequately addressed by 3G systems.
ya kita liat saja barang 3-5 tahun kedepan :-)
anycast "gratis"
rupanya ada juga yng menawarkan anycast service "gratis" utk dns.
namun ini hanya utk TLD saja !
note: kata gratis sengaja saya beri tanda kutip agar pembaca bisa menyadari juga ini sebenarnya ngga gratis juga. lebih detail silahkan langsung kontak Paul M Kane
nice .jp anycasting
wah pengelola ccTLD .jp benar2 niat ya :-)
by the way, ini contoh yng baik utk ditiru utk pengelolaan teknis name server.
Friday, May 04, 2007
teTeX -> TeX live!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
ke ui
> traceroute6 luce.ui.ac.id
traceroute6 to luce.ui.ac.id (2001:e00:f00c:4::d8) from 2001:d30:101:1:290:ccff:fe2f:1eda, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
1 2001:d30:101:1:20e:38ff:fe61:db1b 0.773 ms 0.793 ms 0.737 ms
2 2001:d30:101:4::2 1.221 ms 1.160 ms 1.341 ms
3 cisco2.notemachi.wide.ad.jp 2.960 ms 2.282 ms 2.826 ms
4 2001:218:2000:5000::91 3.191 ms 4.215 ms 3.365 ms
5 ge-7-1-0.a21.tokyjp01.jp.ra.gin.ntt.net 3.713 ms ge-7-1-2.a21.tokyjp01.jp.ra.gin.ntt.net 2.721 ms 2.676 ms
6 xe-1-0-0.r20.tokyjp01.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net 4.085 ms 3.210 ms 2.631 ms
7 as-1.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net 102.974 ms 104.304 ms 102.724 ms
8 xe-1-3.r02.mlpsca01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net 103.534 ms 103.307 ms 103.739 ms
9 fa-0-0-0.r00.mlpsca01.us.b6.gin.ntt.net 105.151 ms 102.551 ms 104.884 ms
10 tu-0.occaid.org.mlpsca01.us.b6.gin.ntt.net 106.720 ms 105.714 ms 107.236 ms
11 38.ge0-0.cr1.sjc2.us.occaid.net 107.385 ms 113.250 ms 109.614 ms
12 indosatatm2-gw.cust.gips-apac.occaid.net 316.507 ms 316.924 ms 317.635 ms
13 2001:e00:f00b::2 316.298 ms 318.182 ms 317.637 ms
14 2001:e00:f00c:4::d8 319.630 ms 317.586 ms 319.811 ms
ini dari ITB-net:
> traceroute6 luce.ui.ac.id
traceroute6 to luce.ui.ac.id (2001:e00:f00c:4::d8) from 2001:d30:3:320:207:e9ff:fe09:c0f5, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
1 itb3-v6-router-vlan22.itb.ac.id 0.275 ms 0.248 ms 0.195 ms
2 itb1-v6-router-vlan4.itb.ac.id 0.602 ms 0.667 ms 0.585 ms
3 ai3-indonesia-ether.itb.ac.id 0.976 ms 1.222 ms 1.214 ms
4 client-0008-v6.itb.ac.id 1.738 ms 1.734 ms 1.963 ms
5 pos1-0-1-stm1-bb-v6-ui-itb.inherent-dikti.net 6.103 ms 6.116 ms 5.964 ms
6 2407:0:2:ffff::1 6.226 ms 6.047 ms 5.715 ms
7 2001:e00:f00c:4::d8 5.968 ms 6.035 ms 6.479 ms
sip lah, sepertinya INHERENT sudah siap dilewati IPv6 :-))
Monday, April 30, 2007
IX gratis
saya masih bingung, bagaimana sih cara mereka bisa memberikan service IX secara "free" ?
Can you hear me now?! It must be BGP.
Nate Kushman, Srikant Kandula, Dina Katabi.
ACM, Computer Communication Review Volum 37, Number 2, April 2007.
inti dari paper ini adalah:
- VoIP problems correlated with BGP updates occurs often enough.
- Strong correlation between VoIP inteligibilty and BGP updates.
- a potential solution: Inter-domain overlays, modify BGP to eliminate transient disconnectivity and ensure fast recovery.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ada dua topik menarik pertama masalah security flaw pada fitur routing header IPv6 dan topik kedua adalah comcast memblok semua incoming email dari gmail.
saya sih tertarik sama topik comcast yng memblok semua incoming email dari gmail, hal tsb bahkan tertulis ada faq nya comcast, lalu paul vixie juga mereply email tsb dan menambahkan bahwa sudah lama dia memblok incoming email dari gmail. walah kalau begini jadinya mungkin ada benarnya juga kalau yng gratisan itu norak (tm) !
Thursday, April 19, 2007
HD-PLC dari Panasonic
Brosur ini menceritakan produk modem PLC dari panasonic.
PLC adalah singkatan dari power line communication, yakni komunikasi digital melalui infrastruktur listrik/kabel PLN.
Performance produk ini diklaim mampu melewatkan paket UDP dng kecepatan 80 Mbps dan paket TCP dng kecepatan 55 Mbps. Produk ini mendukung protocol TCP/IP/UDP/HTTP (IPv4/IPv6) dan utk urusan security menggunakan AES128.
Lebih lengkap silahkan lihat di:
Kapan ya di Indonesia PLN/Icon+ memberikan service PLC ? padahal modem PLC sudah mulai bertaburan dimana-mana (at least di negara Jepang heheheheh).
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Ke Ireland
1 sfc-c7200-gate ( 1.218 ms 0.838 ms 0.962 ms
2 tpr5-ai3-sfc.jp.apan.net ( 3.921 ms 42.903 ms 3.905 ms
3 losa-tokyo-tp2.transpac2.net ( 119.968 ms 119.764 ms 134.
987 ms
4 abilene-1-lo-jmb-702.lsanca.pacificwave.net ( 118.893 ms 1
18.784 ms 119.932 ms
5 snvang-losang.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 126.943 ms 126.750 ms 126.9
88 ms
6 dnvrng-snvang.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 167.925 ms 181.790 ms 159.92
8 ms
7 kscyng-dnvrng.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 164.905 ms 176.821 ms 163.9
46 ms
8 iplsng-kscyng.abilene.ucaid.edu ( 175.974 ms 179.850 ms 175.9
39 ms
9 so-3-0-0.0.rtr.wash.net.internet2.edu ( 191.921 ms 192.791 ms
195.943 ms
10 abilene-wash.rt1.fra.de.geant2.net ( 283.919 ms 284.801 ms 2
83.915 ms
11 heanet-gw.rt1.dub.ie.geant2.net ( 312.906 ms 312.768 ms 312
.968 ms
12 gige5-1-ar1-cwt.hea.net ( 313.930 ms 312.825 ms 312.905 ms
13 blanch-sr1-po1.services.hea.net ( 313.910 ms 313.853 ms 313
.927 ms
14 www.heanet.ie ( 312.909 ms 313.809 ms 313.956 ms
kalau ke Ireland naik IPv6:1 2001:d30:101:1:20e:38ff:fe61:db1b 1.363 ms 0.877 ms 0.944 ms
2 2001:200:901:126d::2 3.959 ms 4.895 ms 3.945 ms
3 2001:200:901:4::5edf 3.973 ms 4.789 ms 3.934 ms
4 sg-so-02.bb-v6.noc.tein2.net 93.069 ms 92.800 ms 92.922 ms
5 eu-ts-2.pr-v6.noc.tein2.net 300.977 ms 301.812 ms 301.936 ms
6 pos1-0-cr1-cwt.hea.net 332.901 ms 330.818 ms 329.903 ms
7 gige5-1-ar1-cwt.hea.net 330.930 ms 329.810 ms 330.920 ms
8 blanch-sr1-po1.services.hea.net 330.916 ms 330.793 ms 331.951 ms
9 www.heanet.ie 330.919 ms 330.787 ms 330.974 ms
Monday, April 16, 2007
Multicast Beacon
dari ketiga url diatas isinya sama saja ! artinya yng running IPv6 multicasting ya organisasinya itu-itu saja :-))
ayo dong pemain baru muncul !
Monday, April 09, 2007
Beberapa press release menarik
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Peering dng Google dan Yahoo
ini contohnya pertama:
7 ( 4.357 ms 4.423 ms 4.256 ms
8 ( 120.595 ms 118.319 ms 118.380 ms
9 PAT1.pao.yahoo.com ( 128.082 ms 118.901 ms 119.371 ms
10 g-1-0-0-p140.msr1.sp1.yahoo.com ( 119.772 ms
ini contoh kedua:
6 ( 4.317 ms 4.363 ms 4.295 ms
7 ( 119.780 ms 119.609 ms 120.060 ms
8 core1-0-1-0.lax.net.google.com ( 121.906 ms 119.953 ms 128.913 ms
9 ( 143.497 ms 143.586 ms 143.395 ms
selain itu tampaknya AARNET juga melakukan private peering dng Google, Yahoo!.
jadi kapan ada ISP atau Telco di Indonesia yang melakukan private peering dng Google dan Yahoo! ?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Blogosphere paper
nice paper !
The paper discuss about traffic characteristics of blogosphere. Some important notes:
- Marginal distribution of transfer size, it show heavy tail ! near to pareto distribution.
- Access patterns (bytes transfer, #distinct blogs accessed with read/write request, and # read/write request sent by blogosphere visitors) show diurnal pattern !
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ribut-ribut soal dns record SBY
pro dan kontra DNSSEC:
1.Adanya tambahan fitur keamanaan pada DNS zone sehingga zone relatif sulit di-spoof
2.Tidak perlu upgrade software karena BIND sebagai software DNS terbanyak dipakai sudah mendukung DNSSEC
1.Belum ada aplikasi yang mendukung DNSSEC (web browser, MTA, etc)
2.DNSSEC menaikkan volume traffic DNS
[1] http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2006-10/dnssec3.html
[2] http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2006-09/dnssec2.html
[3] http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2006-08/dnssec.html
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tokyo Metro Subway di cover oleh WiFi
Heavy-Tail Phenomena: Probabilistic and Statistics Modelling
heavy-tail phenomena: probabilistics and statistics modelling. Sidney I.Resnick. Springer series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Blog yang satu lagi
[1] http://dikshie.wordpress.com
[2] http://faq.wordpress.com/2007/02/18/can-i-put-math-or-equations-in-my-posts/
Sunday, March 11, 2007
AsiaBSDCon 2007 (2)
Acara pembukaan oleh George V Neville Neil dng membacakan agendar hari ini. Presenter pertama Ryan McBride (OpenBSD) berbicara dng topic Randomness. Presenter kedua Keiichi Shima (KAME, IIJ) berbicara dng topic Mobile IPv6.
Lunch masih dengan sama seperti kemarin bento dengan dua pilihan plus ocha (green tea).
Sesi berikutnya setelah makan siang: dongeng sejarah BSD Unix oleh Marshall Kirk McKusick. McKusick juga menjual DVD history of BSD Unix di stand Google, yng menjual adalah Murray Stokeley (src commiter FreeBSD yng sekarang kerja di Google dng jabatan di Google,Inc sbg site realibility) hasilnya sold out ! sial saya nggak kebagian, si Ume ngeborong euy, dia beli 2 biji DVD !!! . Oh ya disesi McKusick ini McKusick cerita mengapa DARPA memilih Unix BSD sbg Internet server ARPANET yaitu pihak BBN sbg kontraktor TCP/IP ternyata kerjaannya payah, Bill joy yng mewakili Berkeley pada waktu itu menolak perintah DARPA utk memasang TCP/IP nya BBN di BSD Unix karena menurut Bill Joy TCP/IP buatan BBN kalah performance dng TCP/IP nya Berkeley. Selain itu juga krn Unix AT & T yng sempat ditest oleh pihak DARPA sbg Internet server ternyata harus di reboot sebanyak dua kali ! sedangkan Unix BSD anteng-anteng saja :-) krn dua alasan tsb itulah pihak DARPA memilih Unix BSD sbg Internet server ARPANET bahkan berlanjut hingga NSF-Net.
Presenter berikutnya Stephan Uphoff (Yahoo!, Inc) dng topic Bluffs. Lalu presenter selanjutnya Koshiro Mitsuya (Keio University, ini sih senpai saya di lab) dng topic Dualstack mobile IP.
Coffee break lalu lanjut sesi presentasi. Presenter pertama Mathieu Sauve-Frankel (OpenBSD) dng topic IPSec. Lalu selanjutnya Randall Steward (Cisco System) dng topic SCTP.
Coffee break lagi (tapi saya ngantuk :) padahal menu coffee breaknya kopi pahit starbuck), terus lanjut sesi presentasi lagi. Presentasi pertama Damien Miller (OpenBSD) dng topic OpenSSH. Presenter terakhir Pawel Jacub Dawidek dng topic ZFS.
Pawel terpaksa mendemonstrasikan operasi ZFS di notebook Apple Robert Watson karena Pawel kesulitan dalam mengkonfigurasi ukuran font pada notebooknya. :-)
Ok acara conference selesai, saatnya dinner :-) oh ya sebelum diner ada penutupan dr George V Neville Neil. ya intinya terima kasih kpd sponsor, panitia, peserta, dan speakers. George juga cerita dia dan Hiroki Sato (hrs) sempat panik karena pada hari terakhir pemasukkan paper tidak ada satupun yang setor. Dia bilang: "Oh my God, what kind of conference without papers !"
Oh ya beberapa info penting:
Pawel akan segera meng-committ ZFS ke HEAD, katanya sih dalam waktu 1 bulan kedepan.
Sthepan Uphoff juga sewaktu saya tanya pas dinner kapan mau commit Bluffs ke HEAD, dia bilang summer 2007 ini paling cepat krn masih ada beberapa constraints seperti kode bluffs yng masih banyak bug, lalu ada rencana 7.0 release pada bulan Juni 2007 ini.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
AsiaBSDCon 2007 (1)
Sebenarnya acara AsiaBSDCon2007 ini dimulai sejak tgl 8, hanya saja tgl 8 dan 9 Maret adalah sesi tutorial dan biaya tutorial dan conference berbeda jadi saya putuskan ikut conference saja krn saya lagi ndak punya duit, utk hadir di conference pun saya dibiayai oleh boss saya assistant profesor di Keio Univ, SFC, Achmad Husni Thamrin.
*many thanks to my boss* !!!
Acara dimulai pembukaan oleh George V Neville Neil (gnn at FreeBSD.org) dan dari local host chair. Oh ya gnn ini rupanya dapat ngobrol menggunakan bhs Jepang dng lancar krn pernah tinggal di Jepang selama 3 tahun !
Saya melihat kehadiran developer *BSD seperti Kirk McKusick (ini mah veteran ! rambut udah beruban !), Robert Watson (FreeBSD's netperf), Pawel Jakub Dawidek (yng porting ZFS ke FreeBSD), Brook Davis (spesialis clustering), lalu ada Itojun (tangan kanannya di gips krn cedera, sehingga hanya tangan kirinya saja yng berfungsi utk sementara), Jinmei Tatuya (ISC,Toshiba), Murray Stokely (now he works at Google, Inc), Ryan McBride (OpenBSD's pf and Carp author), Hajimu Umemoto (ume at FreeBSD, IPv6), Randall Steward (SCTP author, Cisco System,Inc), Xin Li (dari China) dan masih ada beberapa orang lagi.
Menu lunch: bento dengan dua pilihan (dua pilihan bukan berarti bisa ambil dua-duanya ! cuma boleh ambil salah satu saja) Sedangkan menu coffee break: starbuck coffee. Acara conference diakhiri presentasi dari sensei saya Prof Jun Murai :-) dan dinner (banquet). Selama makan malam saya lihat Jun Kuriyama (FreeBSD's port committer, IMRGSRC, Inc Japan) jadi tukang bersih-bersih, bolak balik mengambil sampah yng berceceran dan piring kotor.
Iseng-iseng biar blog ini keliatan penuh :-) saya copy and paste perintah ifconfig:
ath0: flags=8843
ether 00:0a:79:6b:4e:cf
inet6 fe80::20a:79ff:fe6b:4ecf%ath0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3
inet6 2001:200:161:10:20a:79ff:fe6b:4ecf prefixlen 64 autoconf
inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (OFDM/36Mbps)
status: associated
ssid uttakeda1110 channel 1 bssid 00:15:63:11:a0:b0
authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 1 wepkey 1:40-bit txpowmax 36
bmiss 7 protmode CTS burst roaming MANUAL bintval 100
Ruangan conference sih cukup bagus dan representatif, cuma ada sedikit masalah dng sound system.
Oh ya rupanya Google skr sudah menjadi salah satu sponsor FreeBSD project dan juga sbg FreeBSD user. Apa ini gara-gara si Murray Stokely kerja di Google ? saya ndak tau :-)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Some interesting articles from IEEE Communications Magazine
1.Connectivity in emerging regions: need for improved technology and business models. By Rahul Tongia, Carnegie Mellon University.
"The digital devide is pressing challenge for both technology and policy professionals. Connectivity is one aspect of the devide, albeit an important one. Availability and affordability remain important issues but these depend on not only technology choices but also business and regulatory models."
2.Experiences in using WiFi for rural Internet in India. by Bhaskaran Raman and Kameswari Chebrolu, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
"Acess to communication can play pivotal role in the socio-economic development of rural regions in the third world. For affordability, the choice of technology to achieve this is a significant factor. The authors have choosen IEEE 802.11 as a cost effective technology to provide rural connectivity in the context of two projects."
3.WiFiRe: Rural area broadband access using the WiFi PHY and a multisector TDD MAC. by Krishna Paul (Intel), Anitha Varghese (General Motors Research), Anurag Kumar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), Sridhar Iyer (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay), and Bhaskar Ramamurthi (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras).
"The needs of India rural telecom, and the economics of currently available broadband access technologies, motivate a new system for rural broadband access, which the authors call WiFiRe (WiFi Rural Extension). The system leverages the widely available and highly cost reduced, WiFi chipset. However, they retain only the PHY from these chipsets and propose a single-channel, multisector, TDD MAC using directional antennas."
4.Remote Locations Coverage Analysis with Wireless Mesh Networks Based on IEEE 802.16 Standard. By Roberto Hincapie and Javier Sierra (Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana), and Roberto Bustamante (Universidad de los Andes).
"The authors analyze the wireless coverage problem of remote regions with low user density and propagation problem due to irregular terrain and high tree density. The use of a wirelss mesh network is proposed as a solution."
5.Potential of CDMA450 for rural network connectivity. By Sergiu Nedevschi, Sonesh Surana, Bowei Du, Rabin Patra, Eric Brewer (UC Berkeley), and Victor Stan (Zapp Telemobil).
"The authors evaluate CDMA450 as a potential solution for rural data and voice connectivity. They analyze the main stength of CDMA450 and some of the potential limitations for rural coverage, both from technical and economic standpoint."
6.The Ad-Hoc Return Channel: a Low cost solution for Brazilian Interactive Digital TV. by Miguel Elias M. Campista, Igor M. Moraes, Pedro Miguel Esposito, Aurelio Amodei Jr., Daniel de O. Cunha, Luis Henrique M.K. Costa, and Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte (Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro).
"The upcoming terrestrial digital television technology brings a new class of services to traditional TV sets. A set top box may, for example, access the Internet and send email. The interactive return channel makes these new services possible. The authors analyze the viability of a wireless ad hoc network to implement the return channel.
7.BusinessFinder: Harnessing presence to enable live yellow pages for small, medium, and micro mobile business. by Dipanjan Chakraborty, Koustuv Dasgupta, Sumit Mittal, Archan Misra (IBM Research), Anuj Gupta (IBM Software), Eileen Newmark (IBM systems and technology), and Christopher L. Oberle (IBM global services).
"The authors present BusinessFinder, a service that leverages the underlying cellular presence subtrate to provide efficient, on-demand, context aware matching of customer request to nomadic micro businesses as well as small and medium businesses having a mobile workforce.
Friday, March 02, 2007
UCSD Network Telescope
nice monitoring !
Finally ITB got IPv6 address from APNIC
% [whois.apnic.net node-2]
% Whois data copyright terms http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html
inet6num: 2403:8000::/32
netname: BANDUNG-NET-20070302
descr: --------------------------
descr: Institut Teknologi Bandung
descr: Jl. Ganesha 10
descr: Bandung 40132
descr: --------------------------
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Microsoft's money
"What road ahead for Microsoft the Company?" by Michael Cusumano (Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and author of the Business of Software, Free Press, 2004).
Microsoft revenue breakdown:
FY06 sales = $44.3 billion, Op.Income = $16.6billion (37%)
Corporate expenses = $5 billion (11%)
R&D expenditure = $6.6 billion (15%)
o Client (Windows): $13.2 billion revenue, $10.2 billion op income
o Office+:$11.8 billion revenue, $8.2 billion op income
o Server and Tools: $11.5 billion revenue, $4.3 billion op income
o Business Solutions: $919 million revenue, $24 million op income
o MSN: $2.3 billion revenue, -$77 million op income
- 30% access
- 10% suvbscriptions and transactions
- 60% advertising
o Mobile and Embedded: $377 million revenue, $2 million op income
o XBox, PC Games: $4.3 billion revenue, -$1.3 billion op income
How Microsoft makes money:
o Products (91%) + MSN (5%), Services (4%)
- Sales: Windows (30%), Office (27%), Servers (26%)
- Gross Profits: Windows (47%), Office (38%), Servers (20%)
- Gross Margins: Windows (77%), Office (70%), Servers (37%)
o OEM Software Revenues = 34% of sales
- 80% Windows, 20% Oiffce, 10% Servers, 100% mo/emb
o Enterprise Software Revenues
- 50% Office, 90% servers, 100% BizSolutions
- Multi-year software licenses = 24% of total sales (50% servers, 50% Office)
o Consumer Software Revenues = 27% of sales
- 40 % Office, 20% Windows, 100% Home/Entertainment
Some papers on spam
"SPAM and The Ongoing Battle for the Inbox".
by Joshua Goodman, Gordon V. Cormack, and David Heckerman.
this article describe some techniques on anti-spam by reviewing some papers on references and their experience research on Microsoft
Even as spammers and phisher try ever more sophisticated techniques to get past filters and into users mailboxes, anti-spam researchers have managed to stay several steps ahead so far.
[1] Bratko, A., Cormack, G., Filipic, B., Lynam, T., and Zupan, B. Spam filtering using statistical data compression models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 7 (Dec 2006).
[2] Chellapila, K. and Simard, P. Using Machine learning to break visual human interaction proofs. In proceeding of the advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference (Vancouver, Canda). MIT Press, 2005, 265-272.
[3] Chellapila, K, Simard, P., and Czerwinski, M. Computer beat humans at single character recognition in reading based human interaction proofs (HIPs). In proceeding of the second conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) (Palo Alto, CA, July 21-22, 2005).
[4] Dwork, C. and Naor, M. Pricing via processing or combatting junk mail. In proceedings of the 12th Annual International Cryptology Conference (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (Santa Barbara, CA, Aug 16-20). Springer, 1992, 137-147.
[5] Goodman, J. and Rounthwaite, R. Stopping outgoing spam. In proceedings of the ACM conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'04) (New York, May 17-20). ACM Press, New York, 2004, 30-39.
[6] Hulten, G., Penta, A., Seshadrinathan, G., and Mishra, M. Trends in spam products and methods. In proceeding of the first conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) (Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004).
[7] Kolcz, A., Chowdhury, A., and Alspector, J. The impact of feature selection on signature-driven spam detection. In proceedings of the first conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) (Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004).
[8] Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group. MAAWG Email Metrics Program, First Quater 2006 Report June 2006;http://www.maawg.org/about/FINAL_1Q2006_Metrics_Report.pdf
[9] Naor, M. Verification of a Human in the Loop or Identification via the Turing test; http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.id/~naor
[10] Rigoutsos, I. and Huynh, T. Chung-Kwei. A pattern discovery based system for the automatic identification of unsolicited e-mail messages. In proceedings of the first conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) (Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004).
[11] Sahami, M., Dumais, S., Heckerman, D., and Horvitz, E. A Bayesian approach to filtering junk e-mail. In Learning for text categorization-Papers from the AAAI workshop. AAAI technical report WS-98-05 (Madison, WI, 1998).
[12] Yih, Y., Goodman, J., and Hulten, G. Learning at low false positive rates. In proceedings of the third conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) (Mountain View, CA, July 27-28,2006).
Buffer Sizing Strategies
"A critique of recently proposed buffer-sizing strategies", G.Vu-Brugier, R.S.Stanojevic, D.J.Leith, R.N.Shorten. ACM Computer Communication Review, Volume 37, Number 1, January 2007.
here I re-write again the big picture:
Buffers are used at network routers to temporary store incoming packets when the arrival of packets received exceeds the capacity of the egress link. This is done to maintain high level of utilization link capacity and to accommodate bursty traffic. Traditionally, router buffers have been provisioned according to the bandwidth delay product (BDP) rule: namely, one chooses the buffer size as B x T, where B is the rate of the link served by the router, and T is the "typical" round trip time experienced by connections utilizing the link. Building upon the basic observation that, under some circumstances, only a fraction of TCP flows reduce their sending rates in response to a single congestive event, a number of recent papers have suggested the possibility of deploying significantly smaller buffers without compromissing utilization of a congested link.
testbed measurements
using PC with FreeBSD and ADT algorithm for buffer sizing measurement
impact of very small buffer
it might be tempting to simply choose small size of buffer and accept the cost of reduced utilization during period with few flows. Particular note was the negative impact of very small buffers on link quality.
measurement shows with a buffer size only 3KB (or two 1500 bytes packets) it can be seen that the packet loss remains persistently high (at around 20%) while link utilization remains consistently below 60%. This test was performed during the day and can be compared to hours 1-14. Due to the large number of user complaints concerning link quality during this test, the test was terminated after 2,5 hours.
1.Real links contain a complex mix of flow connection lengths and round trip times.
2.Traffic patterns change significantly (here significantly is with respect to buffer sizing requirements) over time.
3.In the context of buffer sizing it is essential to distinguish between links at which TCP flows experience packet loss and those where they do not. On over provisioned links that experience essentially no queuing and generate essentially no packet loss the choice of buffer size has little impact on performance. We contrast this with access links where significant queuing and packet loss occurs.
4.Packet loss is an important aspect of link quality in practice. We illustrate this in the context of the use of a very small queue on a live production link - we had in fact to end our test prematurely (after 2.5 hours) owing to the high number of user complaints regarding link quality when using a very small buffer.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Perpanjangan beasiswa
Dear MEXT scholarship students:
Congratulations! You have been granted a scholarship extension. Please
read the information below and follow the procedure.
1. Inquire at the International Center or any other appropriate office
in March, concerning your extension.
2. Submit "Pledge" (attached) and "Certificate of Acceptance " (issued
by the university; only students who passed the entrance exam) by the
following dates.
・Those who stay in the same course and who enter a higher course in
April: March 15th.
・Those who proceed to a higher program in September: August 15th.
wish me luck for doctor entrance exam !
If you have any question, please feel free to ask us.
My brain
Friday, February 23, 2007
Apricot 2007
From my experience when I was on Apricot 2004 at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, this event is very usefull, beside getting new knowledge you can also get contact persons from other regions. So you can expand your business and skill to other regions.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Minix 3
As you know it wrote by Prof Andrew Tanenbaum with his colleagues and his students.
The title: Roadmap to a failure-resilent operating system.
Here's I rewrite the abstract:
In recent years, dependability and security have become prime concerns for computer users. nervertheless, commodity operating systems, such as Windows and Linux, fail to deliver a dependable and secure computing platform. The lack of proper fault isolation in the monolithic kernel of commodity systems means that a local failure can easily spread and corrupt other components. A single bug, say, a buffer overrun in a network driver, can overwrite crucial data structures, causing a subsequent, but unrelated, action to trigger a fatal exception. Recovery is usually not possible except by rebooting the computer.
In this article Prof Andrew Tanenbaum, describe about Minix 3 operating system development and tentative roadmap for future work.
I rewrire The author's statement to achieve fault resilent:
The key principles we used to make Minix 3 failure resilent are fault isolation, defect detection, and run time recovery. Fault isolation is required to prevent problems from spreading and limit the damage bugs can do. When a bug is properly caged it becomes easier to pinpoint the defect, and rocovery may be possible. In the following we briefly discuess how we realized each principles in Minix 3.
for complete article you can read ;login magazine from usenix. :-)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
IETF meeting
Congratulations! I am writing to let you know that you have been selected to receive the ISOC Fellowship to the IETF. We would like to invite you to attend the Chicago IETF meeting which will be held from the 22nd to the 27th of July 2007.
tinggal cari uang tambahan buat ongkos taxi, bikin visa amerika, makan, heheheh oh ya cek jadwal apakah selama IETF meeting tsb ada bentrok jadwal dng ujian masuk doktor.
wish me luck !
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Benjamin Orgogozo, Fabien Viger, Timur Friedman, Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien and Renata Teixeira, "Avoiding Traceroute Anomalies with Paris Traceroute", Internet Measurement Conference, October 2006.
You can download the paper:
I tried it and submitted FreeBSD's ports.
how to install paris-traceroute on FreeBSD:
1.update your ports-tree
2.cd /usr/ports/net/paris-traceroute
3.make install clean
example output:
freebsd# paris-traceroute www.apan.net
traceroute [( -> (], protocol udp, algo hopbyhop, duration 0 s
1 hitachi1.sfc.wide.ad.jp ( 3.422 ms 2.734 ms 2.767 ms
2 ve-100.foundry1.fujisawa.wide.ad.jp ( 0.873 ms 0.770 ms 0.829 ms
3 ve-4.cisco2.notemachi.wide.ad.jp ( 2.074 ms 2.103 ms 2.022 ms
4 apan-jp.t-lex.net ( 8.150 ms 11.280 ms 33.093 ms
5 ns2.jp.apan.net ( 2.157 ms 2.127 ms 2.126 ms
Indonesia's IPv6 view from AS4717 (AI3)
Monday, February 19, 2007
My linux-firefox crash !
So I deinstall linux-firefox and install native FreeBSD firefox also installed from FreeBSD's ports.
Now my firefox stable :-))
Testing recursive name server for IPv6 and EDNS0
ayo silahkan dicoba :-)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Daftar buku (1)
by: Mark Crovella and Balachander Krishnamurthy.
ISBN: 978-0-470-01461-5
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Nanog presentation about earthquake impact to Network
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
DVTS event UI-ITB-APAN-Kyushu Univ
ada acara DVTS antara UI - Kyushu Univ - APAN meeting venue di Manila.
utk UI traffic dari APAN lewat TEIN2 ITB lalu dari ITB masuk ke INHERENT.
jadi kira-kira: APAN <-> TEIN2 <-> ITB <-> UI


gambar disebelah kanan adalah time series traffic yang tercatat di router INHERENT UI.

gambar disebelah kiri ini adalah time series traffic yang tercatat di TEIN2 Router ITB.
yeah ! full rate DVTS eat 30 Mbps !!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
ASN 32 bit
Implikasi dari "pelebaran" ASN ini adalah software routing BGP yang digunakan pada border router harus diperbaharui. Cisco dan Juniper sepertinya sudah siap, namun software routing BGP yang bersifat opensource seperti zebra, quagga, dan openbgpd belum mendukung ASN 32 bit. Untuk quagga dan openbgpd sudah ada yang membuat patch-nya, hanya saja patch dari pihak ketiga mungkin dalam waktu dekat akan masuk repository quagga dan openbgpd.
[1] http://www.ripe.net/projects/ris/asn.html
[2] http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2007-01/asn32.html
Thursday, January 11, 2007
ISOC fellowship
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
BGP update messages dan Gempa Bumi Taiwan

Disini saya coba melihat dari sisi BGP routing protocol. Pada saat terjadi link failure maka BGP melakukan withdraw route dan ketika link kembali up maka BGP melakukan updates route dengan cara mengirimkan update messages atau beberapa orang menyebutkan announcement.
Pada gambar pertama adalah jumlah prefix yang kembali di-announce oleh AS4761, tertinggi sejumlah hampir 3500 prefixes (dilihat dari peer

Pada gambar kedua disebelah kanan pararagraf ini merupakan grafik jumlah prefix announcement yang dilakukan oleh AS4795. Terlihat AS4795 melakukan prefix announcement hampir 20000 prefixes (dilihat dari peer


Gambar keempat, yaitu gambar disebelah kanan paragraf ini adalah grafik prefix announcement dari AS17885. AS17885 terlihat melakukan prefix annoucement tertinggi hampir 3000 prefix (dilihat dari peer

Gambar kelima, gambar disamping kiri paragraf ini adalah grafik prefix announcement dari AS4787. AS4787 terlihat melakukan prefix announcement tertinggi hampir 7000 prefixes (dilihat dari peer
dari semua grafik terlihat semua ASN melakukan route announcement pada tanggal 27 Desember 2006. Dengan demikian pada tanggal 27 Desember 2006 diestimasi semua link sudah "recover" walaupun saya tidak tahu apakah itu link utama atau link backup.
Cuma sayangnya dari BGP ini kita tidak akan mendapatkan data bandwidth tersisa akibat fiber cut.
[1] RFC 4271
[2] http://www.routeviews.org
[3] http://bgpinspect.merit.edu
[4] http://www.ris.ripe.net
1. Time needed from reset to BGP update messages
AS4761 = Indosat-1
AS4795 = Indosat-2
AS4787 = CBN
AS17974 = PT Telkom
AS17885 = XL